Best Practice Building Integration Methods along Slopes (15% To 65% Gradient) N Okigwe Zone, Southeastern Nigeria
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Published: 9 July 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
To create integral buildings along slopes require that the land form and topography of the slope be incorporated into the architectural designs and construction plans from the outset. The relevance of the study was informed by the need to bring man closer to natural environment visibly manifest in the form of slopes. The study, through data collection, analyses, and concept development determined five architectural floor methods of building integration along slopes. Different building integration methods fit into slopes of different gradients and angles which are classified by percentage characteristics as: Split level (4 – 6% slope); Build up above the slope (6 – 10% slope); Build into the slope (10 – 16% slope); Cut and fill (16 – 25% slope); and Multi-level (25% slope and above). For ease of analysis, the architectural floor methods of integration were catalogued into A, B, C and D systematic order for appropriate results presentation relative to slope factors.
Keywords: Building integration, Concept, Slopes gradient, Slope angle, Slopes profile, Architectural floor method.

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How to Cite
Christopher Irehie, Napoleon Imaah, Patrick Youdeowei. (2020-07-09). "Best Practice Building Integration Methods along Slopes (15% To 65% Gradient) N Okigwe Zone, Southeastern Nigeria." *Volume 3*, 3, 1-16